Tag Archives: Pleasantville Estate Planning Attorney

How to Disinherit a Loved One
Estate planning is an interesting area of the law. Estate planning is a very personal need for the individuals who engage in the process. However, the legal system has reduced this really personal process to a technical exercise. This is also true for will writing and it is evident in situations where testators want… Read More »

Estate Planning Using A Buy Sell Agreement
When two or more people are considering starting a business together, or are part of closely held business, they should enter into a buy sell agreement. A buy sell agreement is an agreement between business owners that governs what happens to an owner’s shares in the business upon his death or other departure from… Read More »

Probate Of A Foreign Will In New York
People who live in other states or countries and move to New York later in life may want to know whether their wills will be valid in New York. Foreign wills can be accepted and probated in New York as long as the wills meet the requirements in the state. For example, if a… Read More »

Minors And Inheritance Of Property In New York
For some, estate planning is all about ensuring that their children are well taken care of when the parents pass away. When putting an estate plan together, parents may expect that the children will be adults before they can inherit. However, if the parents have young children, it is advisable to plan for the… Read More »

Challenging A Will Based On Testamentary Capacity
One common way in which dissatisfied family members may challenge a testator’s will is to argue that the will was written when the testator lacked testamentary capacity. If the challenge is successful, the terms of a will can be invalidated, and an earlier will may become the last will of the testator. If no… Read More »

Health Care Proxies And Living Wills In An Estate Plan
An important aspect of estate planning is the planning for health care during the latter stages of life. Some people have some idea of what will happen to them if they need medical care later in life, or rather, they assume that a family member will step up and make the right decisions for… Read More »

Can My Spouse Disinherit Me Under New York Law?
In New York, a spouse cannot entirely be disinherited by his or her spouse. Even in situations where a person makes an express provision in a will that his spouse is not to inherit his property, the surviving spouse is allowed to make an elective share of the deceased person’s estate. Note that when… Read More »

Executing A Will In New York
There are different types of wills that a person can use in order to leave his assets to his heirs. The type of will a person chooses has to be legally valid in order to ensure that it will be honored when the person passes away. While New York allows the use of written… Read More »